Canine massage is both, non-invasive, making it suitable for all dogs regardless of age, and holistic, meaning that it addresses the whole body. In short, this means it is benefitting all the systems of the canine body, not purely focusing on the primary areas of concern, in doing so it provides both physiological and psychological benefits to your dog. It is a complimentary therapy that works alongside and in support of conventional veterinary medicine and adheres to and works within the veterinary guidelines and regulations; Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Exemption Order 2015 *.
Clinical canine massage addresses muscle injuries incurred through activities of daily living, via sporting activities or alternatively arising due to underlying skeletal issues, such as orthopaedic conditions.
The aim of each treatment is to help with the improvement of your dog’s mobility, range of movement, management of pain, helping to improve both your dog’s quality of life and overall happiness.